Reiser Lawn Service

Quality Lawn Care service in Denver, NC and surrounding areas. We provide professional service and offer free quotes. Reach out today to get a free quote!

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Licensed #Denver, NC
Family owned
Locally owned

About Us

Reiser Lawn Service is a lawn care company based in Denver, NC and surrounding areas. We specialize in providing top quality services such as mowing, yard clean ups, mulching, and more to keep your lawn looking its best. Our team of professionals are committed to delivering exceptional services that exceed our customer's expectations.

Reiser Lawn Service team in Denver, North Carolina - people or person Reiser Lawn Service team in Denver, North Carolina - people or person

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Testimonials & Reviews
    • out of 5 stars
      These young men did a great job for me. My yard looks wonderful and a load taken off my shoulders.
      Steve and Laura Lea Rummage
      Fall and Spring Clean Up


Give us a call or send us a text at (704) 564-5193. Thanks!

Yes, we'll always estimate the job for free. Just give us a call to get started.

We're a customer-first company that will do whatever it takes to make sure the job is well done.

Areas we proudly serve

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